Friday, April 13, 2012

Similiarities, Differences, and Judgements


  1. Well, I must say, I had not heard of you before, but after reading your poetry, I have become very fond of your talent! I really like how we both have such high thoughts on the royal family.

  2. Thank you very much! I live for the monarchy and the church.

  3. Hello Anne, while I was reading your interview, I noticed a lot of things about you that are similar to me, like the fact that we are both female writers; the difference being I am a play write of course. You are also very different from me because you have went through terrible tragedies and still had support enough to make a name for yourself, and I commend you for that. I also noticed that you have lived in a number of places and still managed success, but I would much rather prefer settling in one place to maintain my successful career.

  4. Similarities: We were both very poor during our lifetimes
    Differences: I did not marry and had no kids because of strict church rules.
    Judgements: You did a good job with your artifacts and your interview.

  5. Ciao, signora Grant! It is un piacere to meet you, and to learn of your inspiratore life story. We two have experienced many similar aspects in life. We both had to suffer the loss of cherished loved ones in quick succession, and we both turned to our passioni to help soften the pain and grief, and beautiful art was the outcome. We also both had to fight similar financial battles. The life of an artista is hard, and the pay is often unfair, but you were determined to have your art be your career, and always worked your hardest to succeed, as I did.
    Some differences would naturally be gender issues. Throughout your life, you had to battle the maschio population when they may have not wanted a femmina to publish her writing. Naturally this isn't am argument I ever faced in my lifetime, so I can only imagine your frustration and the prejudice you were surrounded by.
    I commend you for your untiring forza of mind and soul. Despite the grief that plagued you, and those cultural and social ideals that were against you career of choice, you had the coraggio to do all that you could to care for your beloved family while simultaneously pursuing your passione. Signora, you are una fonte d'ispirazione.

  6. Aphra Behn, yes I have suffered a great tragedy but it has made me all the more a stronger person. Though I am a woman and a widow who has lost all of her children, I refuse to let that define. I am a writer and the monarchy has done a great deal to take care of me. I much have enjoyed the experience of traveling.
    Vivaldi, I am indeed very curious about you. What church rules restricted you from marriage?
    Luigi, I love to hear that I am not the only one who made their suffering into something to beautiful that many others could enjoy! Being a woman has caused many people to judge me as much as being poor has cause them to judge me. Thank you for apreciating me! It touches my heart.

  7. Bonjour! We don't have alot of similarities in our line of work but i can tell you are a very Passionate writer who truly stands for what they believe in. We both have gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one but mine was 2 beloved friends, Marie Antoinette and Louis xvi. We seem to have different backgrounds with our families and different ways to coming upon our line of work. You seem like such a nice, passionate writer and hopefully soon i will read some more of your writings.

  8. Bonjour! We don't have alot of similarities in our line of work but i can tell you are a very Passionate writer who truly stands for what they believe in. We both have gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one but mine was 2 beloved friends, Marie Antoinette and Louis xvi. We seem to have different backgrounds with our families and different ways to coming upon our line of work. You seem like such a nice, passionate writer and hopefully soon i will read some more of your writings.
