Wednesday, April 4, 2012


“And Ramsay , once the Horace of the North,
Who charm’d with varied strains the listening Forth ,
Bequeath’d to him the shrewd peculiar art
To satire nameless graces to impart,
To wield her weapons with such sportive ease,
That, while they wound, they dazzle and they please …
The independent wish, the taste refin’d,
Bright energies of the superior mind,
And Feeling’s generous pangs, and Fancy’s glow,
And all that liberal Nature could bestow,
To him profusely given, yet given in vain;
Misfortune aids and points the stings of pain.”
This poem is of a man named Burns and I hoped to outline his achievements.
Moody, Ellen. "Foremother Poet: Anne Grant (nee Macivar) (1755-1853)." Ellen and Jim Have a Blog, Two. N.p., 02 04 2011. Web. 4 Apr. 2012. <>.

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